Tuesday, May 09, 2006


喉咙很不舒服,有点发烧,全身都很烫--- 我被宣告---病了
医生开了MC给我,叫我多多休息,喝多点水--- kns!这样RM52就飞掉了!(Argh!!)


Doctor: Sakit apa? (with smiling face)
Me: Tekak sakit, ada batuk, pening kepala, macam ada sikit demam~
Doctor: (checking forehead, see throat) Ok, balik rumah rehat banyak banyak, minum air banyak banyak (with smiling face)
Me: Itu saja?
Doctor: Ya, keluar ambil ubat, I kasi MC satu hari (with smiling face)

Kanasai!!! Like that RM52 run out from my pocket to his pocket!!!(I hate the with smiling face!!!!!)

留言板---WJ:那你的(病)“感觉”很灵敏!一般人到了诊所病情会加重, 而你 ........(哈哈)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You so lucky; every time I sick and go see doctor, just when I enter clinic, I cure ( get better) and get sent home with no MC... cure too fast...